This curated page features some of the submissions that really stood out to us. We’ll be updating this section regularly, so keep checking back!

UNO Fest Online
Victoria, CANADA - In 1998, Intrepid Theatre launched Uno Fest – a curated festival of one-person theatre held annually in May. This year’s festival, which was to feature eight solo shows from across Canada, will no longer be in-person but online. UNO Fest has always pushed the boundaries of what solo performance can be, so they are embracing their festival tagline: Theatre outside the lines.

The Jury, an Online Radio Play Musical
London, UK - You NEED to give this a listen. Sent to us by the composer/lyricist/producer Ashley M A Walsh, The Jury is a new and original musical that just finished an acclaimed Off-West End run Upstairs at the Gatehouse Theatre. Below you will find a radio play version of the piece that has been recorded and split up into five separate episodes for your listening pleasure, and these episodes will be available until the official UK lockdown is over. The Jury also features a book by Amy Fletcher, additional lyrics by T. Michael Vest, and direction by Joseph Meighan.

Designs from the Segal Centre’s Production of “Oslo”
Montreal, CANADA - Called a “riveting political thriller” by the Associated Press, the Tony Award winning play “Oslo“ was slated to open at the Segal Centre in Montreal this spring. They’ve submitted some wonderful work by their designers, giving us a rare opportunity to look behind the scenes of play production.

Laneway Theatre's "Close Up Magic"
Melbourne, AUSTRALIA - From the submission: The Laneway Theatre is a secret venue custom-built for the performance of Close Up Magic. The owner, Tim Ellis, had just premiered a new, innovative show ‘OUT OF NOTHING, SOMETHING’ when Covid19 hit and shut the theatre down. Now, as a way to let other magicians know that we are not in this this alone, he set himself a mission to present a nightly chat show with some of the most famous magicians all over the world.

These Toronto theatre artists are KILLING it.
Toronto, CANADA - These Toronto-based theatre creators and performers are keeping their skills honed and spirits high in spite of facing disappointing and discouraging news. Show them some LOVE!

Orfeo & Majnun (O&M)
Krakow, POLAND - Orfeo & Majnun (O&M) is an inclusive, intercultural and multilingual music theatre project developed with a participatory community-driven approach.

FOUR SISTERS, a play by Susanna Fournier
From the submission: FOUR SISTERS is a podcast written by Susanna Fournier, a sonic rendering of play that showed last year at the Theatre Centre as part of the Luminato Festival. It's a timely piece, and one just released, by an ascendant feminist voice in Toronto's independent theatre community.

It’s Ella Schnoor, peeeeoople!
When this arrived in my inbox, I was just like…. jaw drop. So sorry your production of Wizard of Oz was cancelled during tech week after three months of work!!! Don’t worry, I think you’ll be brightening the stage for a long time to come!

ONE - Ghost River Theatre/Factory Theatre
ONE - by Jason Carnew was set to open at Factory Theatre in Toronto, directed by Eric Rose.