Orfeo & Majnun (O&M)

Krakow, POLAND - A trailer for Orfeo & Majnun (From the Festival Aix 2018) submitted by company Artistic Director, Airan Berg.

From the submission by Orleo & Majnun Artistic Directior Airan Berg:

Orfeo & Majnun was supposed to be presented in Krakow on Friday March 20th. Professional international artists and crews (from Poland, Austria, France, Belgium, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Tunisia, Spain, Bulgaria, USA...) and local citizens should be rehearsing right now to put this participatory Opera on the stage. Due to travel restrictions and the closing down cultural institutions all workshops, rehearsals and the performance had to be indefinitely postponed. Orfeo & Majnun is a social closeness festival involving thousands of participants in each city.

Some info on Orfeo & Majnun:

Orfeo & Majnun (O&M) is an inclusive, intercultural and multilingual music theatre project developed with a participatory community-driven approach. Interdisciplinary by nature, O&M involves multiple art forms, refers to current social, cultural, and urban challenges. It involves communities, professional and citizen artists, and groups in risk of social exclusion.

For more info on this magical company, visit their website!



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