Living the Dream
Toronto, CANADA - Nick here, creator of the Social Distancing Festival! I am so excited to share with you all a workshop production of the first 45 minutes of a new musical I wrote with composers Anika Johnson and Barb Johnston. Living the Dream is a new musical about loneliness, quarantine, and reality television. This video is of the workshop production mounted during the Canadian Music Theatre Projects.
Just Across the Causeway
Toronto, CANADA - Converting live performance to digital media has proven a difficult medium to master, but this new Canadian play by Natalia Bushnik translates beautifully. Though it deals with heavy themes such as familial loss, there are enough turns of sharp wit to make this a truly dynamic and entertaining show-going experience. Take an evening to press play and let your mind do the staging.
Manchester, UNITED KINGDOM - This absolutely stunning performance video was sent to us by Kellie Colbert, the creator of the piece. This video is haunting, personal and gorgeously put together. This piece was supposed to be developed into a live theatrical performance, but due to social distancing, Kellie created this video instead. Enjoy taking a peek into her creative mind!
Sounds of the Forest
Cheshire, UNITED KINGDOM - Ok. This is the coolest. You can take a little trip through world’s forests from the comfort of your BEDROOM. Wild Rumpus and the National Forest Company have put together an initiative to create something truly global and collaborative, and you can even be a part of it. Continue reading for more information about this unique project!
The Hopscotch
Toronto, Ontario, CANADA/Belgrade, SERBIA - You know we love long distance collaboration here, and this is such a beautiful example! Sent to us by Toronto-based director and creative producer on the this project, Stefan Dzeparoski, The Hopscotch is a beautiful meditation on love during these socially distant times. See for yourself!
Stories from Quarantine
Los Angeles, California, USA - So many of us have been searching for ways to flex our creative muscles during this quarantine, and student documentarian Samuel G Brooks has created something incredibly funny, charming and relatable! His new web series, ‘Stories from Quarantine’ is 4 episodes long and is an entertaining and required binge for quarantine viewing!
Radio Play: “Begotten”
Brisbane, AUSTRALIA - In years gone by, radio was the main source of entertainment as well as news. Listeners during difficult periods were informed by and connected through listening to radio. The pandemic feels like a good time to bring radio back into our homes. Watch the trailer for “Begotten,” then listen to the entire show at https://minolatheatre.com.au/begotten/
JEWish Cabaret’s “A Cafe Named Desire”
London, UK - This original musical, conceived by the JEWish Cabaret, comes on the heels of their very successful original show “Purim - Uncut!” With such moving songs as “Writing a Love Song” and laugh-out-loud funny songs like “Swipe to the Right,” this demo recording is a great way to spend a half hour or so.
Winnipeg, CANADA (and a few other places!) — This is absolutely one of the most original submissions we’ve received. It hilariously borders on the absurd! Quigital is a wacky corporate phone tree/installation. Originally the project was designed as an in-person audiovisual installation for Cluster Festival in Winnipeg, but after the festival was cancelled, the creators shifted gears and created a version that people could experience at home, from their phone.
About 500
London, UNITED KINGDOM - This play was sent to us by the playwright and director of the piece, Simona Hughes. Recorded on Zoom with a small group of wonderful actors, this new and relevant play was supposed to be performed at the 2020 Vault Festival in London from March 18-22 before the entire event was cancelled due to social distancing. Give it a watch! Who doesn’t love a new play?!
Murder Upon Murder
Farmington, Missouri, USA (and many other places across the USA) - This is a very cool piece of theatre that has been translated really well to a digital presentation.
A Night with the Cast and Creatives of “Selah's Song”
Toronto, CANADA - If you’re looking for something warm and gently uplifting, here it is: a behind the scenes look at the musical “Selah’s Song,” an original folk musical that was set to tour across Ontario to British Columbia. This submission gives you a taste of the show’s sweet music and a chance to hear from its creators.
London, UK - Award-winning writer and spoken word poet Luci:d was going to perform at Genesis Poetry Slam in London in April, but the event was cancelled because of the pandemic. Instead, she wrote and recorded this moving poem about mental health during this time of isolation. The poem will soon be featured alongside contributions from celebrities Emilia Clarke and Little Mix’s Leigh-Anne Pinnock in the #copingtogether campaign. Luci:d has received hundreds of beautiful messages and comments from people who've been touched by the poem. Once you hear her perform, you’ll understand why.
In Real Life - A New Musical
Toronto, CANADA - Ok, this one is special to me. This is the project that led to this entire site being created. On March 13, I was at the end of the first week of rehearsals for In Real Life, a new musical - book and lyrics by me (Nick Green), music and lyrics by (the amazing) Kevin Wong. The show is a dystopian sci-fi musical in which youth live and learn technological cubes and little access to the outside world. Sound familiar? Given the times, we decided to continue working the show over Zoom. The cast was unbelievable, the creative team ASTOUNDING (all credited below), and the leadership of director Ann Hodges was deeply inspiring.
In the end, we created a music video of the opening number of the show, called A Million. I am SO proud to share it with you. Enjoy and please share!
“I’m a Big Sissy and I’m Proud” from The Sissy Duckling
Lethbridge, Alberta, CANADA - Well this post goes right after my heart! Nothing like an uplifting, progressive TYA musical song to make you feel like all is going to be okay in this world.
The Jury, an Online Radio Play Musical
London, UK - You NEED to give this a listen. Sent to us by the composer/lyricist/producer Ashley M A Walsh, The Jury is a new and original musical that just finished an acclaimed Off-West End run Upstairs at the Gatehouse Theatre. Below you will find a radio play version of the piece that has been recorded and split up into five separate episodes for your listening pleasure, and these episodes will be available until the official UK lockdown is over. The Jury also features a book by Amy Fletcher, additional lyrics by T. Michael Vest, and direction by Joseph Meighan.
Designs from the Segal Centre’s Production of “Oslo”
Montreal, CANADA - Called a “riveting political thriller” by the Associated Press, the Tony Award winning play “Oslo“ was slated to open at the Segal Centre in Montreal this spring. They’ve submitted some wonderful work by their designers, giving us a rare opportunity to look behind the scenes of play production.
UNO Fest Online
Victoria, CANADA - In 1998, Intrepid Theatre launched Uno Fest – a curated festival of one-person theatre held annually in May. This year’s festival, which was to feature eight solo shows from across Canada, will no longer be in-person but online. UNO Fest has always pushed the boundaries of what solo performance can be, so they are embracing their festival tagline: Theatre outside the lines.
Matchstick Theatre’s “N89”
London, UK - Matchstick Theatre Company is a group of 11 South London theatre-makers looking to create provocative, entertaining, unusual theatre, with a focus on new writing and original voices. Their production of “N89” was supposed to run from March 9th - April 2nd, but they were forced to close after just five performances due to Covid-19. However, they recorded the show on the last night, and have since put it online.
An excerpt from Inside My Head, by Rebecca Bauer
Toronto, Ontario, CANADA - We love new work, and we are so excited that playwright Rebecca Bauer submitted this piece! This video features Rebecca and actor Jacob Sheffield performing an excerpt from Inside my Head, a new play that was developed through Expect Theatre’s Beats & Intentions Unit. Unfortunately the final presentation of this unit was cancelled due to social distancing.