NOT SO SUPERNOVA by Shannon Milliman

Submitted by Shannon Milliman, writer and performer of Not So Supernova.

Shannon was planning and securing venues for performances in Utah of her one-woman play when she suddenly had to cease due to social distancing. Thank you so much for submitting, Shannon!

From the submission: For now, I have to stop. I’m sad because I believe the messages are important. But somehow, between the supernovas and stars at night - light finds its way where it needs to be shined. Maybe this could be the way…

From her website: Experience energetic, real, raw, autobiographical theatre through Shannon Milliman’s one-woman play, Not So Supernova. Unlock the power of vulnerability and find personal clarity for why you are here on this earth, in this job, in this family, in this situation you never asked for. You will find reason to move forward with confidence and purpose.


Norm Foster’s SCREWBALL COMEDY, The Royal Canadian Theatre Company


The Slaughter Brother’s Dime Circus