Myseum of Toronto presents: Art in the Time of COVID


Toronto, CANADA - Myseum of Toronto is an amazing organization that offers events, pop-ups, exhibits, and online content all year round. This year’s program (which looked freaking amazing and featured the wicked Fatuma Adar, just saying), sadly had to be cancelled. On April 22 and 29th, they will be offering two online panel discussions entitle Art in the TIme of COVID. Full disclosure… I am on the first panel. But that’s not why I’m posting about it. Okay… it’s not the only reason I’m posting about it. I think it’s going to be really rad.

More info about the event and the panelists for April 22 here, and for April 29 here!

Part I

April 22

3:00 – 4:30PM EST

Here’s the eventbrite link!


Here’s what the folks at Myseum have to say about it, along with the super good line-up:

Art in the Time of COVID-19 is a two part panel discussion that explores how we value art and artists during a time of crisis. Even though many artists are increasingly vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic, they’re finding new and innovative ways to share their work for our collective well-being.

Join us and our stellar panel of arts innovators as we reflect on the intersectional vulnerabilities presented by COVID-19, and what our engagement with the arts during this time can tell us about the value arts and culture in our society.

Part II

April 29

2:00 – 3:30PM EST

Here’s the eventbrite link!


Dutch National Ballet


Designs from the Segal Centre’s Production of “Oslo”