
Fortaleza, BRAZIL - This dance company in Brazil had planned to present this great work at the annual DFA Dance For All Festival in Cape Town, South Africa. Due to COVID-19, the future of this festival is uncertain, so they chose to share this piece, along with a documentary about it’s creation, with us!

From Executive Producer Bruno Mattos:

Why “A Rua é NOIZ” ? Simply because our show sheds light on the desire to translate, through the body, the place where we live. Our periphery is our real and symbolic scenario; and our people, our daily places, are our plot. We want to realize ourselves, reveal ourselves and unveil what defines us in each relationship with communities. We have a question: what shows our face? We have many possibilities: The hard-working lady, the housewife, the "vetim" of the squares, the young warrior, the hard-working youth and the crowded bus people on their way to work for the daily struggle. Our dance is the art of understanding our lives, our reality; the reality of “Bonja” from the perspective of change, because “A Rua é NOIZ”.

*A Rua é NOIZ = The street is us.

*Bonja = Nickname from the Bom Jardim, our neighbourhood. / Instagram:

*follow the YouTube link for info about the music in this video!




(Virtual) Prairie Voices - Ilus Ta Ei Ole