The Social Distancing Festival

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Austin, USA - This is the definition of WOW. I was in a bit of a rush when I got this work-in-progress video, but took a peek out of curiousity… and then watched it to the end. It is worth being late for. Mind blowing.

From the submission by Dalton Sessumes - Performer, lighting designer, and director:

Visionary is a transmutation of works by visual artists that informed me about life, perspective, and consciousness as I discovered myself within the psychedelic community. It is a story about coming of age and simultaneously coming out of age to a realization of something deeper that connects us all. Influential artworks by Alex Grey, Android Jones, Ben Ridgeway, Stephen Kruse, and Jake Amason were modified to create the intricate "persistence of vision" LED imagery seen throughout the performance. This piece was meant to be premiered on April 18th as part of a gala show at a circus arts festival and subsequently performed at a music and arts festival on April 25th, however both festivals were cancelled due to COVID -19.